New Zealand, Mt Cook

New Zealand, Mt Cook / Located in the centre of New Zealand's South Island, Mount Cook (Aoraki) is New Zealand's highest peak.

For many, an image of New Zealand might include the snow-capped mountain of Mt Cook, or sheep. And they wouldn't be far wrong.

One might have to be really lucky to be presented with a picture of both in the same frame though.

While hitch-hiking through the Mackenzie region, I couldn't believe the scene in front of me when our car was held up by sheep on the road to Mt Cook.

The once in a lifetime view just cried out to be framed.
Located in the centre of New Zealand's South Island, Mount Cook (Aoraki) is New Zealand's highest peak.

For many, an image of New Zealand might include the snow-capped mountain of Mt Cook, or sheep. And they wouldn't be far wrong.

One might have to be really lucky to be presented with a picture of both in the same frame though.

While hitch-hiking through the Mackenzie region, I couldn't believe the scene in front of me when our car was held up by sheep on the road to Mt Cook.

The once in a lifetime view just cried out to be framed.
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