Cows in India

Cows in India / The cow is sacred in India; and woe betide the driver who doesn't swerve into a field to avoid them.

Cows are not penned into fields here, and in the smaller towns and villages they wander wherever they like.

An Indian woman, going about her daily life outside her house in Jaisalmer, doesn't notice the cows while she's busy sweeping the front step; nor me, it seems.
The cow is sacred in India; and woe betide the driver who doesn't swerve into a field to avoid them.

Cows are not penned into fields here, and in the smaller towns and villages they wander wherever they like.

An Indian woman, going about her daily life outside her house in Jaisalmer, doesn't notice the cows while she's busy sweeping the front step; nor me, it seems.
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