Sand and Rocks

Sand and Rocks / Northwestern coast of Brittany near the village of Brignogan
Northwestern coast of Brittany near the village of Brignogan
1657... 52...


Vasiliy Jakushev 509.4721 Mai 2013 16:54
Slavik55 370.2621 Mai 2013 22:48
Das Foto gefällt mir
Irina Furashova
470.8222 Mai 2013 00:54
Gute Arbeit
Evgeniy Zhiljaev (Ev6795) 228.4422 Mai 2013 01:50
Gefällt mir
Chris 55.8722 Mai 2013 13:29
Gefällt mir
Rogovtsova 45.4122 Mai 2013 14:47
Gefällt mir
Aira 80.4423 Mai 2013 11:35
Gefällt mir
Danny Vangenechten 157.9926 Mai 2013 13:14
Aira, Many thanks!  Grinsen
Alex Mimo 1150.9906 Februar 2016 03:38
Beautiful view!
Danny Vangenechten 157.9906 Februar 2016 03:48
Alex Mimo, Brittany is very beautiful! This is the north coast near Brignogan-plage. Have a nice weekend, Alex  Foto
Alex Mimo 1150.9906 Februar 2016 05:02
Alex Mimo, Brittany is very beautiful! This is the north coast near Brignogan-plage. Have a nice weekend, Alex
Danny, Thank you for the lead, Danny! Have a good weekend too!

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21.05.2013 10:38
NIKON D700, 1/250 sec, F/9.0, 70mm, ISO 200, 12.07.2012
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