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Introvert (C) 236.4615 Januar 2024 15:45
I'm sorry like by mistake
Lana Medved 123 111.8115 Januar 2024 16:09
Introver T,
I appreciate your honesty and would be delighted to help to remove your like, however I can't.... If moderator would be kind he will help, otherwise your like would be forced to be under my picture. To be clear I'm very indifferent for amount of likes or the weight of my rating, the most important measure for me is if my work triggered some thought precess, memories or if I'm lucky even feelings.
Boris Gurevich 591.1616 Januar 2024 03:41
Introver T, You have to be extremely careful with you precious likes next time, better keep it for yourself.
Jazz Music 121.4716 Januar 2024 04:02
Boris Gurevich,
What happened friend.
The user could accidentally make a mistake, and in order not to mislead the author, he directly indicated this, this happens, and did not mean anything else.
Why is your sarcasm here?😡
Boris Gurevich 591.1616 Januar 2024 07:34
Jazz Music, First of all my sarcasm is kind of natural behavior, this way it's much easier to live through.
Regarding my reaction to comment I'll tell you frankly - the seriousness of it's approach makes me laugh. Next time it might be even officially notification of unintentional expenditure of precious vote/like, which might cause undeserved position of the photo. (The certified solicitor should rephrase the mentioned better).
This is purely amateur site and any fuss after pressing a knob is redundant, in my humble opinion, of course.
Many thanks for your remark.
Lana Medved 123 111.8116 Januar 2024 08:57
Jazz Music,
The overall situation is a bit ridiculous and I totally understand the humorous irony of Boris's reply.
Lana Medved 123 111.8116 Januar 2024 09:09
Boris Gurevich,
Concur 100%))))

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