Sunrise at Corno dei Tre Signori-Guppo Ortles/Cevedale

Sunrise at Corno dei Tre Signori-Guppo Ortles/Cevedale / The mountain owes its name to its geographical location. Its summit marked, in fact, since the Middle Ages, the meeting point of the border lines of three states: the Republic of Venice (to which the Camonica Valley belonged), the Grisons (of which the Valtellina was part until the 18th century) and the territory under the jurisdiction of the Episcopal Principality of Trento (i.e. the Val di Sole).
Even today, on the top of the Corno meet the provinces of Brescia, Sondrio and Trento, whose current borders are the same as those of the ancient states.
The mountain owes its name to its geographical location. Its summit marked, in fact, since the Middle Ages, the meeting point of the border lines of three states: the Republic of Venice (to which the Camonica Valley belonged), the Grisons (of which the Valtellina was part until the 18th century) and the territory under the jurisdiction of the Episcopal Principality of Trento (i.e. the Val di Sole).
Even today, on the top of the Corno meet the provinces of Brescia, Sondrio and Trento, whose current borders are the same as those of the ancient states.
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Svetlana Kuleshova 459.9228 Januar 2020 13:40
Dynamischer Himmel! Gefällt mir sehr! Empfehlungslimit leider überschritten.
Wild Giorgio 91.0728 Januar 2020 14:02
Svetlana Kuleshova, Thanks so much for your kind comment,Svetlana!Nice evening
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Yvon Lacaille 0.0029 Januar 2020 06:48
I love this image and your comment about this mountain.
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Ruslan Ahmetshin 0.0029 Januar 2020 07:07
Very nice!
Aleksei Kondratev 145.6429 Januar 2020 07:37
Vista meravigliosa ..!

28.01.2020 12:46
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, 15 sec, F/11.0, 24mm, ISO 125, 19.08.2019, Lens: EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM
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